Saturday, October 22, 2011

Lowongan Kerja Bank Syariah Mandiri

Bank Syariah Mandiri
PT Bank Syariah Mandiri operates as a bank, which provides depository and loan services. The bank is based in Jakarta, Indonesia. PT Bank Syariah Mandiri operates as a subsidiary of PT Bank Mandiri. PT Bank Syariah Mandiri comes as the bank that combines idealism with the business of spiritual values that underlie its operations. Harmony between the ideals of business and spiritual values that is the one of the benefits of PT Bank Syariah Mandiri as an alternative to banking services in Indonesia.

We need a proactive person who loves working with people or support others to succeed. Who proud of the work and the results of their work, and have the integrity, accuracy and self-actualization. Bank Syariah Mandiri invites professionals to fill the position:

Syariah Funding Executive (SFE)
Pelaksana Marketing Mikro (PMM)

  • Male / Female Muslim
  • A maximum of 25 years
  • Minimum D3 any discipline (GPA min 3.00)
  • Having C driver's license and own vehicle
  • Good moral and spirited dynamic
  • Able to understand the Islamic banking system
  • Able to work with the target
Complete application letter addressed to :

Kepala BSM Ambarukmo,
PT Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Ambarukmo,
Jl. Laksda Adisucipto 167 Sleman Yogyakarta

Not later than October 25, 2011 ( --- Update : Saturday, October 22, 2011