Total Bangun Persada - the largest building construction organization, and leader and major force in the Indonesia construction industry. A respected major building construction organization in the region. We want to be a construction organization known for integrity, respect, fair dealing, quality, pride and excellence An organization committed to satisfy customers by producing quality work and to deliver excellence in service. An organization where our people can be proud to be in the construction industry and where our people can grow, perform their best, and continually striving to produce excellence.
Pride and excellence - two simple words; understood by all, practiced by some, but embraced by only a few.
At Total Bangun Persada, pride and excellence are not mere words: together, they form the framework of how we do business. It is a philosophy that has guided our growth in becoming Indonesia's largest building-construction organisation and it is a philosophy, which will continue to shape our evolution well into the future.
Our chosen profession is neither complicated nor unique. Nevertheless, it is one that demands our full commitment to building and proving our trust and reliability to all of our shareholders.
Lowongan Kerja PT Total Bangun Persada saat ini:
• Laki-laki
• Pendidikan STM / D3/S1 Teknik Sipil/ Arsitektur/Mesin/Elektro
• Berpengalaman minimal 2 tahun di kontraktor proyek gedung
• Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia
Quality Supervisor
• Laki-laki
• Pendidikan STM/ D3/ S1 Teknik Sipil/ Arsitektur/Mesin/Elektro
• Berpengalaman minimal 2 tahun di kontraktor proyek gedung
• Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia
Construction Engineer
• Laki-laki/ Perempuan
• Pendidikan S1 Teknik Sipil
• Pengalaman 2-3 tahun sebagai Construction Engineer di Konsultan Konstruksi untuk proyek gedung
• Penempatan di kantor pusat, Jakarta.
Site Manager
• Laki-laki
• S1 Teknik Sipil/ Arsitektur/Mesin/Elektro
• Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun di kontraktor proyek gedung
• Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia
How to apply ?click here Lowongan Kerja Total Bangun Persada