Bank DKI has always been committed to helping the people of Jakarta, invite the sons and daughters and young professionals in the field of banking that has competence, passion, high integrity to join with us in order to realize the Bank DKI be the best and be proud of, with positions available as follows:
Credit Analyst / Account Officer Konversional / Syariah (Code: AK)
Special Qualifications:
- Minimal S1.
- Maximum age 30 years.
- Having experience in the field of Credit Analysis / Financing Productive (Corporate & Retail) and Marketing Loan / Financing Productive (Corporate & Retail) to Credit / Financing in Syariah Banking Conventional or at least 3 years.
- Not going through the Association Office with other agencies / companies.
- Not serving any sentence and / or in the examination of the authorities.
- Look attractive and good personality.
- Customer oriented
- Preferred domicile Greater Jakarta.
- Preferred has the ability to speak English (Oral / Writing)
- Willing to be placed throughout the region PT Bank DKI Unit
For more complete information, please download the following links:
Jobs information. PT Bank DKI (Download PDF)