Saturday, January 7, 2012

Lowongan Kerja Bank Syariah Bukopin

Bank Syariah Bukopin
PT Bank Syariah Bukopin journey starts from a commercial bank, PT Bank Persyarikatan Indonesia which was acquired by PT Bank Bukopin Tbk to be developed into Islamic banks. Bukopin Islamic Bank started operations by conducting business based on Sharia principles after obtaining permission from Bank Indonesia Sharia operation on October 27, 2008 and on December 11, 2008 has been inaugurated by the Vice-President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Full commitment of PT Bank Bukopin Tbk as the majority shareholder is realized by adding a capital injection in order to make the PT Bank Syariah Bukopin as an Islamic bank with the best service.

And on July 10, 2009 through Letter of Approval of Bank Indonesia, PT Bank Bukopin Tbk has transferred rights and obligations of its Sharia into PT Bank Syariah Bukopin.

Required as soon as the company's employees with the business of banking, by position:

Customer Service (CS)
East Java
  • Male / Female (Max. 25 years)
  • Graduated D3 / S1
  • GPA Affairs Min. 3:00
  • Able Attractive
  • Fast work pace, accuracy, interpersonal & communication skill
Teller (TL)
East Java
  • Male / Female (Max. 25 years)
  • Graduated D3 / S1
  • GPA Affairs Min. 3:00
  • Able Attractive
  • Fast work pace, accuracy, interpersonal & communication skill
Accounts Officer (AO)
East Java

* Male / Female
* Graduated S1 any discipline
* GPA Affairs Min. 2.75, Private Min. 3.0
* Able Attractive
* Sales ability, Building customer, Analysis & Decision making

Relationship Officer (RO)
East Java

* Male / Female
* Graduated S1 any discipline
* GPA Affairs Min. 2.75, Private Min. 3.0
* Able Attractive
* Sales ability, Building customer, Analysis & Decision making

Applications sent to the SDI Unit by stating the position code to:
Kantor Cabang Surabaya
Jl.Raya Darmo 136