Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Lowongan Kerja PT Showa Indonesia Mfg

Showa Indonesia Mfg
PT Showa Indonesia Mfg offers challenging career opportunities to meet one's high career expectation. We are seeking highly qualified individuals to be our leaders in the future. For your information, 80 percent of our manager-level and higher-level leaders have started their careers from the staff level. We are hopeful that you will be able to well integrate intelligence, spirit, self-confidence, willingness to learn, positive working attitudes and communication skills to make Show Indonesia the leading company in the automotive components business.

To apply for a job at PT Showa Indonesia Mfg., a job seeker has to register and enter necessary data (e-resume). The vacancies are:

Plant Service Staff
Finance / Accounting Staff
Claim Analyst Staff
Procurement Staff
IT Staff
Engineering Staff
Production Staff
Interpreter / Translater 

Recruitment Process

PT Showa Indonesia Mfg opens career opportunities for those of you both fresh graduates and experienced ones. If you are interested to join us, please fill in an application form on another page of this website. You can also directly send your curriculum vitae via email ( max. 599Kb) or send a complete letter of application to us. Our recruitment team will then carry out the selection process using the elimination system with the following stages:
  • Administration Selection
  • Psycho test
  • HRD Interview
  • User Interview
  • Health Examination
Please keep in mind that we only process the application which fit the qualifications we need.