Panin Bank is the 6th largest bank in Indonesia with more than 450 offices spreading in 30 provinces. We are aiming to become the leader of financial services provider in Indonesia and invite you to play important role in Panin Bank's Head Office Jakarta for position as follow:
MIS Pelaporan BI (MIS SID)
Jakarta Selatan - Senayan
- Male, max. 30 years old.
- Minimum Bachelor Degree from Statistic, Mathematics or Economics.
- Mastering procedures of reporting SID (form 01, form 03c) at banking and finance institution.
- Mastering procedures of reporting LBU (form 11, form 46, form 47, form 48).
- Able to work according the time target.
- Able to work as individual or team.
Jakarta Selatan - Head Office
- Male, max. 30 years old.
- Minimum Bachelor Degree, preferably from Statistic or Mathematics.
- Have 2 years of working experience.
- Used to prepare Business report (Dashboard) and Adhock Report.
- Have an excellent Business prospective.
- Mastering SQL and SAS language.
- Excellent communication in English both oral and written.
- Able to work individually or team.
Jakarta Raya
- Male, max. 30 years old.
- Minimum Bachelor Degree in any field with GPA minimum 2.75.
- Have minimum 2 years of working experience in Risk Management Credit Card.
- Mastering Credit Card Early Detection System Monitoring.
- Risk and Customer Oriented.
- Strong Analytical Skill and strong Sense of Risk.
- Excellent communication in English (both written and spoken)
- Willing to work at shift.
- Able to work as indvidual or team.
Jakarta Selatan - Senayan
- Male, max. 30 years old.
- Minimum Bachelor Degree in any field with GPA minimum 2.75.
- Have minimum 2 years of working experience in authorization or credit card call center.
- Mastering credit card transaction authorization.
- Risk and customer oriented.
- Strong analytical and strong sense of risk.
- Excellent communication in English (both written and spoken)
- Willing to work in shift.
- Able to work as indvidual or team.
Bank Panin Pusat Lt. 6.
JL. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 1, Senayan, Jakarta 10270
Cantumkan kode aplikasi di sudut kanan amplop
Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi kriteria yang akan kami proses.
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