Saturday, September 17, 2011

Lowongan Kerja Bank Mega Tbk

PT Bank Mega Tbk, Along with the development of its business, PT Bank Mega Tbk systematically continue to increase the quantity of human resources by recruiting workers - workers who have been ready for use through a system of recruitment, placement and remuneration of employees who applied and continue
- constantly reviewed to obtain optimal results. Besides, Bank Mega also do recruitment - to print a cadre of young workers - the managerial cadre through special education in order to be able to complement and provide new ideas and enthusiasm.

Increasing the quantity of human resources is also followed by a quality improvement program employees to create organizational effectiveness and improve employee productivity. In this regard has been applied to human resource development system is comprehensive for all employees in the company, ranging from career development system, new employee recruitment system, an assessment process to determine employee development plans, training and employee development, and remuneration of employees and coaching programs employee relations.

MEGA Management Development Program (MMDP)

The program consist of in class training with comprehensive banking curriculum and a practical internship that will provide you with broad knowledge, skill and unparallel experience of banking management.

Applicants must meet the requirements :
  • Bachelor degree from reputable Universities with 1 year experience or preferably Master degree from International Universities with minimum GPA of 3.25
  • Single, maximum 28 year of age
  • Fluent both in oral and written english
  • Excellent analytical thinking, problem solving and communication skills
  • High-Motivated, Proactive, Adaptable, and Open Minded
Account Officer Development Program (AODP)
  • Minimal S1 (All Programs)
  • Age Maximum 28 years
  • Minimum GPA 2.75
  • Willing to be placed as an AO SME in All Branchesworking area of Bank Mega.
  • Willing to undergo years of schooling for 2 months and a bond for 2 years, commencing education after graduation
Branch Manager (BM)
  • Responsible for achieving branch targets as well as quality of service and branch operations
  • Minimal S1
  • Age Maximum 40 years
  • Experience as a Branch Manager / Banking Capem at least 3 years
  • Having experience in commercial lending an added value
  • Willing to be targeted and have an extensive network
  • Mastering the funding and lending (commercial & consumer)
  • Willing to be placed diarea Mega Bank's business in Greater Jakarta, Dumai, Batam, Riau Ujungbatu, Duri Pekanbaru, Siantar, Manado, Cikampek, Sibolga
Funding Marketing Coordinator (FMC)
  • Minimal S1
  • Maximum Age 37 years
  • Experience as Team Leader Banking marketing at least 3 years
  • Willing to be targeted and have an extensive network
  • Mastering the funding
  • Willing to be placed diarea Mega Bank's business in Greater Jakarta, Dumai, Batam, Riau Ujungbatu, Duri Pekanbaru, Siantar, Manado, Cikampek, Sibolga
"You are interested and want to develop a career with Bank Mega.
Online Registration Form Please fill in as a member applicants **

HR Recruitment KPNO - Human Capital Management Division
PT Bank Mega Tbk
Menara Bank Mega Lt.11
Jl. Kapten Tendean 12-14A
Tlp : 021-79175000 Ext. 11211
Jakarta 12970

Lamar Bank Mega Online disini