Saturday, December 3, 2011

Lowongan Kerja PT Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk

PT Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk. (“BRM”) which is majority owned by PT Bumi Resources Tbk. (“BUMI”) is incorporated in Indonesia and holds various mineral operating, development and exploration properties in Indonesia and in West Africa. BRM has a diverse portfolio of minerals and holds security of tenure for its exploration and development properties. These properties give exploration and mining rights to various minerals including copper, gold, lead, zinc, iron ore, phosphate and diamonds. Given the strong commodity demand in the medium to long term, BRM provides a unique opportunity to be part of a diverse mineral company.

Environmental Superintendent
Palu (Sulawesi Tengah)


- Bachelor degree in environmental/occupational health/forestry with minimum 5 (five) years experience in similar role.
- Have knowledge of ISO standards, AMDAL, regulations (environmental, forestry, and mining).
- Hold certificate POP and POM.
- Fluent in English and computer literate
- Strong analytical thinking skill
- Possess good judgment skills and self confidence.
- Good communication skill and able to work in team
Please submit your application letter complete with CV in English, recent photograph and expected salary to email address below:

Human Resources Department
email : 

Advertised: 23-11-11 | Closing Date: 23-12-11