PT Asiaparts Indotech as a multi distributor company for industrial tools, Technical Equipments and spare parts Machineries, believe strongly to supply all the industrial requirements becomes to industrial equipment and supplies you cant trust. We believe that the success of our business depend on our hard working, consistent, motivated employees and customer's trust in us. We aim that to provide reliable product and services.
PT Asiaparts Indotech are currently seeking for the Indonesian best talent to fill the following position:
Whole Sales - Courier
- Male
- Age max 27 years
- Education Min. SMU / SMK / equivalent
- Experience Min. 1 year.
- Having a SIM C and own vehicle
- Can communicate well
- Discipline, honest, ready to work hard and be responsible
- Willing to be located in Serpong-Tangerang.
- Female.
- Age max 30 yrs
- Education min D3
- Experience Min. 1 yr
- Can communicate well
- Can work in a team or individual
- Ready to work hard, be honest and Discipline
- Willing to be placed in Karawang
- Male.
- Age max 30 yrs
- Education min. D3
- Experience Min. 1 year
- Able communicate well
- Able to work in a team or individual
- Ready to work hard, be honest and Discipline
- Having SIM C
- More in priority have a personal vehicle (motorcycle)
- Willing to be located in Serpong-Tangerang
email: c.nugraha@asiaparts-tech.com
or send by post
PT. Asiaparts Indotech
Jalur Sutera Utama Kav. 29D No. 49-50
Alam Sutera, Serpong Tangerang 15326
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