PT Solstice Energy Services is a national company focusing on STEEL FABRICATION, EQUIPMENT SUPPLY & SERVICES in oil & gas industries. Fully supported by various and well respected global companies and highly experienced individuals, PT Solstice Energy Services is a reliable solution partner for oil and gas companies in Indonesia. We welcome candidates for following opening position(s) in our office (located is Setia Budi area, Jakarta Selatan)
HRD & GA Supervisor
- Age 30 - 45 years old
- Minimum education : Bachelor Degree (S1) of Law
- Required experience : minimum 3 years of working in HRD & GA fields
- Able to write procedure, policy and reports of HRD & GA
- Able and experienced in doing recruitment, contracts, payroll & Jamsostek calculations
- Good Understanding of applicable Labour Laws and Regulations in Indonesia & it implementations
- Capable if has to manage & handle all HRD & GA works alone in company (without superior/ colleague/ subordinate)
- Mastering internet and Ms. Office (esp : Ms. Word & Excel)
- Women are encourage to apply
- Female
- Minimum (SMA) high school education
- Age 20 s / d 30 years
- Experience as a Phone Operator at least 1 year
- English Passive
- Willing to learn new things
- Conscientious, creative, communicative, Proactive
official source