PT PP (Persero) was established under the name of NV Pembangunan Perumahan based on the Notarial Deed No. 48 of August 26, 1953. At the time it was established PT PP (Persero) was entrusted to build houses for the officers of PT Semen Gresik Tbk, a subsidiary of BAPINDO in Gresik. Along with increased trust, PT PP (Persero) received the duty to construct large projects that were related to war compensations the Government of Japan paid to the Republic of Indonesia, namely : - Hotel Indonesia, Bali Beach Hotel, - Ambarukmo Palace Hotel and - Samudera Beach Hotel. 1960, In compliance to Government Regulation No. 63 year 1960, PN (Perusahaan Negara) Pembangunan Perumahan changed into PN Pembangunan Perumahan. In 1962, PT PP (Persero) completed the construction of Hotel Indonesia, a 14 stories with 427 rooms, which at the time was the highest building in Indonesia. 1971, In compliance to the Government Regulation No. 39 year 1971, PN Pembangunan Perumahan changed and become PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero), which was legalized through the Deed No. 78 dated March 15, 1973. The Company's core business was construction services. PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) is looking for high qualified and talented person to fill in the following position :
MECH ENG (Code : 2013/MECH-ENG)
- S1 Electrical Power,
- S1 Mechanical Energy Conversion
- GPA > 3.00
- Max age 26 years old
- Willing to be placed in all projects of PT PP
- TOEFL> 475 (attached latest TOEFL Test Results in 1 last year)
- Care, professional, hard work, integrity and discipline
- Civil Engineering (general civil, structure, irrigation) with GPA > 3.0
- TOEFL> 450
- Care, professional, hard work, integrity and discipline
- Willing to be placed in all projects of PT PP
- Max age 26 years old