PLN (Perusahaan Listrik Negara, English: 'State Electricity Company') is an Indonesian government-owned corporation (BUMN) which has a monopoly on electricity distribution in Indonesia. PT PLN (Persero) or a national electricity company of Indonesia and is 100% owned by the Government of Republic of Indonesia through the State Minister for State Owned Enterprise. The Company performing business in generation, distribution, transmission and other services related to electricity. The Company was founded in 1961, under the name of Electricity and Gas Bureau. PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) was launched in 1994. At December 2012, PLN is domiciled in Jakarta and has 46 business units. PLN supported by 11 direct owned subsidiaries, 8 associate companies, and 2 joint venture companies. Based on PT PLN (Persero) Annual Report 2012, the Company reached significant performance in 2012. PLN’s revenue from electric power sales reached Rp232.66 trillion, an 11.8% increase from 2011 of Rp208.02 trillion.
In order to meet the manpower requirements, PT PLN (Persero) Distribution of Central Java and DI Yogyakarta, PT PLN (Persero) P3B Jawa Bali, PT PLN (Persero) North & East Kalimantan Region, requiring manpower high school (SMA) and SMK graduates to fill vacancies position as follows:

For detailed information, please refer apply on following link below. Should you are interested and qualified, please register online through the website http://icc.syncore.co.id/pln and submit your application file not later than 24 August 2013 (postmark) to PO BOX 13000 Yogyakarta. Place and the selection schedule will be notified later by PT PLN (Persero) Distribution Central Java and DI Yogyakarta through the website http://icc.syncore.co.id/pln and www.pln.co.id/disjateng . All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.