Sunday, September 1, 2013

Lowongan CPNS 2013 LKPP

CPNS LKPPLembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang / Jasa Pemerintah - LKPP or commonly known as the National Public Procurement Agency (NPPA) is a non-ministerial government agency in Indonesia engaged to implement development and formulation of public procurement policies. LKPP was formed in 2007 and operates directly under the President of the Republic of Indonesia. In conducting its function and duties, the Agency is under the coordination of Bappenas or the State Minister for the National Development Planning. The Agency is based in Jakarta and supported by 4 deputies, 12 directorates, and 3 bureau.

Due to strengthen its team, Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah invites the best Indonesian young people to join as:
Penerimaan CPNS LKPP 2013

General Requirements
  • Minimum age of 18 (eighteen) years old and a maximum of 35 (thirty five) years at the time of registration
  • Graduated from reputable universities (PTN/PTS/Overseas) with min accredited B and minimum GPA of 3.00
  • Fluent in English (oral and written) as evidenced by the results of the test, with a minimum TOEFL score of 500 or equivalent score;
  • Have no family relationship (father / mother / son / brother / sister) with the employees of LKPP;
  • Fill the online registration form.
For detailed information, please refer apply from LKPP on following link below. To apply this jobs, please register and submit your applications by online through Registration date 2 - 18 September 2013. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.