PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN) is a company that has been doing business for more than 40 years in Indonesia. Toyota in Indonesia was established since 1971. TMMIN as a production and export base in the Asia Pacific region, not only want to make Indonesia as the market share, but also want to develop the potential of the nation especially in manufacturing, so that Indonesia could be able to produce its own cars and also be exporting its products to foreign countries. PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN) are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following position:
Production Operator (Operator Produksi)
- Penidikan SMK Jurusan Mesin, Elektronika, Listrik, dan Otomotif atau SMA IPA
- Pria umur 18 tahun s/d maximal 20 tahun dengan tinggi badan minimal 163cm
- Nilai Ujian Nasional Matematika Min 4,5 (sesuai dengan SKHUN)
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