Thursday, September 22, 2011

Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Brantas Abipraya
PT Brantas Abipraya has grown and developed to become a sound and stable Construction Company. Since of the outset, our well-trained professionals working in big irrigation projects, have been invaluable asset whose skill and expertise are continuously developed passing from the older to the younger professionals working in the company.

Now the company is known as reliable general contractor handling not only irrigation projects, but also has executed several big projects located throughout the country, i.e. big dams, tunnels, road and bridges, airfields, electric plants and many others.

In order to meet manpower needs with respect to a fairly rapid development of business, the Company opened the opportunity for professional personnel with experience in Implementation & Calculation projects, particularly in the field of Road Works and Buildings, to join and develop careers in PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero), with the following conditions:

  • Male, age maximum 50 years
  • Experience working on Civil Contractors Company
  • Have a broad relationship
  • Preferably with Certificate of Expertise (Sertifikat Keahlian / SKA) from the Professional Association accredited by LPJKN
  • Dedicated and ready to be placed in the Entire Work Area Company
  • Passed selection held by the Company
For further detail requirements and to apply, please refer to Lowongan Brantas Abipraya, no later than September 24, 2011. Applicants who qualified will be announced in late September 2011 --- Update : Rabu, 21 September 2011