Friday, December 2, 2011

Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Barata Indonesia (Persero)

PT Barata Indonesia (Persero), a state owned company since 1971, was established from two Dutch companies, NV.Braat Machine Fabriek (established in 1901) and Machine Fabriek & Werf NV. Molen Fliet (established in 1920). PT Barata Indonesia (Persero), in its status as one of Indonesian Government owned which operates in foundry, manufacturing and EPC (Engineering Procurement and Construction) carries a pre-determined mission: To be an excellent company for equipment and industrial components in the global market

PT Barata Indonesia (Persero), state companies in the field of Manufacturing, EPC & Foundry, requiring employees to the business units in GRESIK & CILEGON for the position:


Terms & Qualifications:
  • No. 1-4: PTN preferred graduates with GPA min. 2.75 (scale 4); TOEFL min. 450 & experienced
  • No. 1: S1 precedence. Tech. Machinery / Metallurgy; proficient Technical Drawing, 3D AutoCAD, Design Calculation, Bhs. UK Engineering
  • No. 2: S1 precedence Tech. Machinery / Industrial / Metallurgy; proficient: Technical Drawing, PPC / PPIC, procurement & MS Project, understand the process of manufacturing production
  • No. 3. : S1 precedence Tech. Machinery / Metallurgy; understand the procedure, code, test / test / inspection in QC; a certificate of WI / WE (priority)
  • No. 4: S1 Accounting; understand databases, management & reporting keu., Budget & tax preparation and advanced MS Office.
Submitted a complete application & CV directly to: SAC ITS, Kampus ITS, Keputih-Sukolilo SURABAYA, not later than December 5, 2011