Sarinah is state owned Company Established in 1962. People known Sarinah as first department Store in Indonesia but now we are also producer and exporter of Indonesia’s Furniture & handicraft products. Our factory located in Semarang (Central Java), our handicraft came from various places throughout Indonesia with valuable art and cultural histories. Most of our handicrafts also made in Jogja and Bali, which are known as Indonesia’s handicraft center.
We offer you competitive price and best quality for our product, now day we have production capacity 20 containers (40 Feet) per month, so please take a glance to our selected products and contact us via email and phone we will response you as soon as possible.
PT Sarinah (Persero) currently requires an employee immediately clerk / cashier provided the following requirements:
Cashier (Pramuniaga)
Jakarta Pusat (Jakarta Raya)
- female
- Age max. 25 years
- Minimum Height 158 cm
- Education min. High School
- Physical and Spiritual Health
- Not married
PT Sarinah (PERSERO)
Complete application letter taken directly to the
Divisi SDM Gedung Sarinah Lt.10
Jl. MH Thamrin No. 11 Jakarta Pusat