PT Danareksa (Persero) was established in 1976 as a stated-owned enterprise with a primary task to promote capital market in Indonesia. Today, we are the country's leading & reputable investment bank with key business in investment banking, equity and fixed-income capital market, investment management, treasury and finance. As a pioneer in the Indonesian Capital Market, as well as traditional local and international award recipient for his achievements, Danareksa supported by the working personnel are competent support. We therefore invite young workers and are ready to lead a career in the Capital Markets industry as:
IT Data Center Operations (Code: ITDCO)
- Maximum age 30 years
- Minimum education D3, preferably majoring in Computer Science / Information Technology
- Mastering Microsoft SQL databases and SQL Language
- Mastering Linux
- Have experience working as a data center operation for 2 years
- Minimal-graduate Diploma 3 (D3) of any major with GPA 2.8 out of 4.0
- Age 22-30 years
- Minimum 1 year experience as a Telemarketing / Marketing Executive in the financial industry, particularly corporate securities or banking
- The ability to speak clearly (clarity of voice) and friendly and fluent in English is a plus
- Willing to work with the target
- Customer service oriented
- Minimal D3 any majors
- Female, age maximum 25 years
- look attractive
- Able to communicate well, have a clear speaking skills (clarity of voice) and friendly.
- Able to speak English oral passive
- Customer service-oriented
- Aged up to 45 years
- Minimal S1, preferably majoring in Computer Science / Information Technology
- Mastering database programming and SQL Language
- Mastering Microsoft SQL and Oracle databases (preferably mastered both)
- Mastering IT Architecture, IT Business Analyst, Project Management and Programming
- Have experience working as an IT Business Support for 5 years
Human Resources Division PT. Danareksa (Persero) Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 14 Jakarta 10110. For detailed information & apply online, please refer official source on following link below. All applications will be treated confidentially.
Official Source