Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Lowongan Kerja Elnusa

Elnusa aspires to delivering services that comprehensive and more importantly – first class in quality. In a nutshell, we are the partner for the success of our stakeholders today and in the future to come. PT Elnusa Tbk holding along with the subsidiaries, the management ranks, and the entire staff successfully made it to the end of the tension. Leveraging our proven credo of clean, respectful, and synergy, as well as our field-tested knowledge bank, experienced engineers and analysts, and industry-standard business practices, PT Elnusa Tbk has again proven its competency as a principal contender in the oil & gas business. Currently, Elnusa consists of 9 subsidiaries and 2 unit business non-consolidation. It has redefined itself as a strategic entrepreneur in the oil & gas business that delivers consistent value-added benefits to shareholders, business partners, the government, and the people of Indonesia. That is a radical change of role – from merely a service provider for Pertamina and production-sharing contractors to an active, influential participant in the industry. PT Elnusa Tbk are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following position:

Investor Relation Analyst
Create external forum to disseminate corporate's strategy, performance, and accelerate image to domestic and regional sector:
  1. Public Expose
  2. Corporate road Show
Provide any relevant and up to date information to assist investors in making a well-informed investment decision:
  1. Daily trading update
  2. Quarterly fundamental analysis
  3. Research report
  4. Press release
Share corporate achievement and strategic issue to feed market expectation:
  • Analyst meeting
  • One on One Meeting
Facilitate & educate analysts on corporate business in order to provide accurate information and positive image to investor:
  • Operational workshop for analyst
  • Site visit for analyst
Feed BOD with internal and external analysis to satisfy their requirement on strategic information

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree, Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent.
  • At least 5 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Preferably Manager / Assistant Managers specializing in Finance - Corporate Finance/Investment/Merchant Banking or equivalent.
  • Contract position(s) available.
For detailed information & apply online, please refer official source on following link below. Advertised: 01-04-13. All applications will be treated confidentially.
Official Source