PT Asuransi Eka Lloyd Jaya through it’s subsidiary PT CCA. This opportunity allows us to be involved in the general insurance market in Indonesia. Citystate Capital Asia Pte Ltd is headquartered in Singapore with a presence in Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, India and Indonesia. The Company with its strong and experienced Management team intends to build a dedicated and focused Pan Insurance Group in the Asia Pacific.
CCA entered a strategic alliance with a general insurance company in Indonesia, PT Asuransi Eka Lloyd Jaya through it’s subsidiary PT CCA. This opportunity allows us to be involved in the general insurance market in Indonesia. PT Asuransi Jaya Eka Lloyd General Insurance Company with branches more than 5 locations outside of Jakarta, currently requires:
Staff Keuangan
- Have a grade point average (GPA) of at least 3:00
- Male / female
- Age maximum 30 years
- Mastering Microsoft Office especially Computer Accounting
- Able to communicate well in Indonesian and English (Oral & Written)
- Honestly, Diligence, Patience, Thorough, Neat, Well Organize, can work together in a team, discipline and able to work under high pressure.
- familiar doing AR / Billing